Awards & Closing Party
Awards for films, actors and more! Giveaways and live performance from Angelica Cassidy
Exclusive For Pass Holders Only
Awards for films, actors and more! Giveaways and live performance from Angelica Cassidy
Exclusive For Pass Holders Only
Saturday night Halloween Themed Party with Live Entertainment with Lindsay Katt and giveaways!
Exclusive For Pass Holders Only
Live music from Leta Harris Neustaedter and Harvey Hader D.D.S. opens the party!
Pass holder event with giveaways! Must be present to win!
Cindra will be showing you the basics of watercolor painting as you have the opportunity to bring our logo alive. Make sure you order your supplies in plenty of time so that you're ready to join the workshop on FaceBook Live at 3 PM EDT/12 NOON PT on Monday,9/28. Print the reference image and we'll trace it thru the carbon paper on to your watercolor paper in class together. Then we'll design it the way you want your character to look like: skin tone, hair color, dress look- it's all up to you. This will be a fun introduction to the joy of painting. The live class will be in a group called LADY FILMMAKERS WATERCOLOR WORKSHOP and you will need to register for the class once you have an All Access Pass. Come join us and make sure you read the description when you do.
Tea Party Themed Party
A Pass Holder Event with Giveaways. Must Be Present to win.
Fitness Trainer Diann Marchlewski will take us through a movement routine with emphasis on mobility and opening up the body. If you have found yourself sitting more, being less active or simply wanting to move your body and feel good these last 7 months or longer...then you will want to join. No equipment is necessary. Just make sure you have a 5 by 5 foot space to move. And remember what Sir Isaac Newton said “ A body at rest tends to stay at rest and a body in motion tends to stay in motion”. So come and move with us!!
Diann Marchlewski is an LA based Fitness and Nutrition Coach having worked in the Health and Fitness Industry for the last 10 years. Her knowledge and skills allow her to work with a diverse clientele from those who wish to gain strength and lose weight to clients with injuries, pain, and medical concerns. Diann’s goal is to have people moving and feeling better and reaching their specific goals. This is done through a program of movement, nutrition and regeneration unique to the person. Some of her certifications and education include: International Sports and Sciences Association (ISSA) Master Trainer, ISSA Fitness Nutrition, ISSA Strength and Conditioning, Pre/Post Natal, Precision Nutrition Level 1 and 2, Equinox EFTI and Tier X curriculum.
Dress Like Your Favorite Movie Character Party with Live Performance by Jared Hallock.
Exclusive Pass Holder Event
Giveaways for attendees! Must be present to win!
Live Entertainment With Militia Vox - She will be performing at the beginning of the party!
Giveaways for people in attendance.
Special Filmmaker Meet & Greet and Introduce Your Pet Party! Filmmaker Pass Holder Only